Blog Posts (Page 6)
Best couple of days ever…
End of Exams
So much stuff going on!
Feeling Guilty
This just goes to show how little time I spend in the department: After my meeting with Stefan today, we went to photocopy the work sheet, and I checked the pigeon holes for any mail. Shamus saw me looking and said, “you won’t find any mail in there; that’s for postgrads.”
Hannah and JC’s Visit
This weekend, Hannah and JC have been up to Durham.
Countdown Numbers
As a mathematician, obviously I am pretty poor at mental arithmetic, but I’m usually okay at the Countdown numbers. Not quite as good, however, as this guy:
Spider-Man 3
We went to see Spider-Man 3 for Jay’s birthday today. I’ve seen the second, and really enjoyed it. This one, I must admit, was no different — despite warnings from critics and friends alike that “there’s too much going on.”
Ooh, Vector Art
Today I stumbled upon this vectorising tool, called textorizer, that converts images into SVG format. You can specify your own text and size, as well as playing around with the edge-finding sensitivity.
MySQL Joys
1NF teaches us that we should not store repeating groups in fields. Given that we have a table satisfying 1NF containing values as such:
College Day
Always a great day, and this one was no exception!
My Favourite Number
I love the Internet. I love how countless code monkey hours are wasted trying to stop the inevitable. I love how people actually think it’s possible to remove information from the Word Wide Web.